
Paul Ford is a man on the road, seeking to put distance and time between himself and events that turned his life inside out – and not for the better. Toby is a big dog, lost and far from home. A chance encounter brings them together and sends them on a journey to reunite the dog with his family, a trip that just might help Paul find his own way home as well. But this will be no ordinary road trip, and when it’s done, Paul’s life will never be the same. 


Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson

I've always been a storyteller, and very early in my life found the written word to be my preferred method for telling tales. I grew up enjoying words for their own sake, with some of my earliest memories being of family members reading to me and teaching me to both read and write. Most of my childhood was spent in houses full of books, and reading inspired writing. The experience of reading stories, of having feelings and images conjured from my imagination merely by reading carefully arranged words, fascinated me. Somewhere, in a time lost to memory, reading inspired me to try writing my own stories - and that truly was a long time ago. Then as now, I wanted to see if my words could evoke emotions and images in the minds of other people. Have I succeeded in doing so? I have a certain amount of confidence in what I do but, really, success or failure in this regard is a call only readers can make. 


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Paul Ford is a man on the road, seeking to put distance and time between himself and events that turned his life inside out – and not for the better. Toby is a big dog, lost and far from home. A chance encounter brings them together and sends them on a journey to reunite the dog with his family, a trip that just might help Paul find his own way...

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The Gryphon Stone

Of all the worlds in the multiverse, Adrathea is the last David Render would willingly revisit. What happened there broke his heart and drove him to retire from the UN Multiverse Survey. To hang up his sword, and leave the service of the Alvehn.

But now Adrathea is in peril. An Alvehn device known as an empathy bridge – called the Gryphon Stone...

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The Lesson of Almiraya Bay

Sequel to The Gryphon Stone. David Render’s travels through the multiverse have come to an end. Married to Sidraytha of the Isles, he is now the father of two children. The Isles of Wulde are his home, and the Islanders have adopted him as one of their own. His life in the service of the Alvehn, in their endless war against the barbaric Moj, is...

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It's often said that a writer's life can be a solitary existence. There's some truth to this. You do spend a lot of time inside your own head, and at the keyboard doing the actual work of writing the tale you want to tell. Hearing from readers provides a welcome break from that writerly solitude. So feel free to drop me a note, and tell me how you feel about what you've read.

And you can read even more here: https://underdesertstars.com/